Thursday 1 August 2013 vent today.just my opinion

Hmmmmm is what i have to say today!
Sitting here doing lots of thinking since just after 2 am. Not always a good thing :)
Well i don't understand how my friends and family can find "him" and know his whereabouts yet the ones that are suppose to be looking for him cant find him! Something wrong with this picture!
Does my life and well being not mean anything? Am I not "important" enough? Just a couple things I wonder. Yet lets say (I hope it never happens) Its your daughter/son living the way I am...hmmmm betcha something would be getting done then wouldn't it!Betcha their calls would take top priority wait they probably wouldn't even have been put in this situation because he would have never been released from jail! There would have been no 10,000 bond yes you read that right! TEN THOUSAND dollars yet no one is being held responsible for that either!
So why do the courts put a bail on someone if they aren't going to be held responsible? Why does a criminal have to have a surety if they don't have to follow the rules and are not being held responsible! i don't understand this at all!! I need answers yet no one can give them to me!!! Does anyone have answers to this??? Please feel free to share!
Why charge and put a bail and stipulations on someone if they know and EVERYONE knows they can get away with doing what they want anyways!!!
Does not seem fair to me at all and all i get told is to move again to protect myself and that I need to live with tons of safety precautions put in basically live like i don't live and hide....
Because the way I fee right now is if he does show up here what good is it to make that call are they gonna show up? Tomorrow is a week so really...what good will it do me?
So what am i suppose to do now? Sit here and wait? Fight back? I know write my blogs! Get awareness, get it out there and let people know! Let someone else know they are not alone and hopefully help at least one person (my main reason for doing this!)
With the awareness thru the Internet for so many things why is there nothing to protect a victim other then going to a "safe" place (done it), relocate (have a few times), give up (been there a few times), ask for help (would help if they showed).
So best thing to do is bring awareness to the situation and let others know they are NOT alone. My heart goes out to anyone else dealing with anything like this and I just want to hug them and let them know things will be OK and they can do this! Just like people have with me!
I cant thank my friends enough or my family for everything they have done for me and continue to do!!! I don't know where I would be with out yous! Each and everyone of yous! New and old! Every ones positive feed back and even negative feed back I have received from haters (you are just burning a fire under my ass and making me fight back harder so please continue) :)
That's my vent for the moment maybe back with more after who knows what the day will bring today. Its gonna be a good day because I have to make it that way. SO off to do some dishes and a bit of cleaning then some much needed R&R today.
Thank you again to everyone who reads this. To the people I don't know and to the ones I do know.
If you are in any form of an abusive relationship, ask for help, talk to someone you trust! You deserve the best life has to offer!!! Get out and be safe or getting out of one...HUG yourself and know that there will be brighter days ahead and be proud of yourself for walking away. You deserve so much more! <3
And just remember this is only my opinion and my feelings. Thanks again

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